Bach Flower Remedies:

Balance and Harmony to our Life

Bach Flower Remedies: Balance and Harmony to our Life

Therapy with Flower Remedies or Flower Therapy has its roots in the ancient Hellenic theory that the Health of the Human Body is indissolubly connected
to the Health of the Mind. This specific treatment is based on genuine and effective communication between the patient and the therapist. Through a
personal interview, the cause of the emotional, psychological or physical disorder is detected so as to choose the appropriate Flower Remedy which will
bring our organism (soul, body and spirit) back into balance. Flower Remedies can weaken “negative” situations, bringing peace and harmony to our lives.

In fact, it is a complementary treatment method that uses flowers from different trees and plants, placed in crystal clear spring water and then exposed to
sunlight. This process releases the energy dimensions of the flower leaving an energy footprint which is transported to the patient, helping him to deal with
everyday issues such as anxiety, fear, depression, fatigue, sleep disorders etc.

Flower Remedies became known in the beginning of the last century by the English doctor, homeopath, bacteriologist and spiritual writer Edward Bach,
from whom they took their name. Today, there are Flower Remedies which can help in a wide range of disorders. They are absolutely safe since they do
not contain any chemicals whatsoever.

Bach Flower Remedies cannot replace any medical diagnosis or medication in any way.